Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Brett Favre is the Man

Ok, yes I know this is a real estate website; however I have to keep up with what is going on in the NFL. Fortunately that includes a wonderful man, husband and teammate.
Brett Favre. Some of you may not like Brett because of his wobbleness (my word.. don't look it up in the dictionary). Some of you judged him because of his age! Some of the Green Bay Packer Backers were unforgiven to him and maybe the team too for allowing such a staple to leave the team. Whatever your reason is to follow the man, you have to admit that he has given us many surprises!!!

Brett has been playing professional ball longer than some of you have been alive or even married. He and his wife Deanna has been through cancer and back which helped them create a wonderful nonprofit organization for research. Yes, even athletes have normal life issues to overcome. My condolences to Chris Spielman and his children for the loss of his lovely bride of many years, Stefanie, who we lost to breast cancer. Have we ever wondered why the press focuses on the negative areas of these players lives and not the real life issues or the great things they do to help their community?!!!

Let the record speak for itself. Brett has had a great year. Although I as a common person can see that when Brett is able to call his plays; there is a huge difference in yardage. Just like the linebacker calls the defensive plays, the quarterback should have the right to call the offensive plays...isn't that what you hire him for??? We cannot expect the Vikings to win every game. We can't expect the offensive line to be great every single week and protect such a commodity. But hey, I am not the coach and I am sure he would have a different opinion. These players are human and they have aches and pains on Monday morning....heck Tuesday through Saturday too. For some reason Sunday or Monday comes and they forget the pain because of their adrenaline. Nevertheless, they have pain and they need time to heal; not just physically, but emotionally too. It's rough being booed or unfavorable reporting; matter of fact, false reporting is yet a better view in my eyes. So the next time you read the newspaper or a blog, remember that truths are only half told. Also remember the next time you decide to judge or be a Monday quarterback; that young man could be your son, husband or be kind. One of many of my favorite quotes came from Douglas M. Lawson, "We exist temporarily through what we take, but we live forever through what we give." Give kindness and a Smile this 2010 year. It could be contagious.

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