For Richard Petty and many employees over the past 60 years; an end of an era is ending. With a great amount of respect as well as sorrow, I am in awe that a company that started in Charlotte is actually ending in Charlotte. The job loss alone was a challenging turn. Will those Nascar employee be able to merge in the merger? Will the other Nascar drivers blend together?
This may be a part of Nascar that continues to fall like the national market. It appears that lack of sponsors is causing a downward spiral; yet the support of the fans are alive. Like the last NFL strike, the uncertainties for players each week are a constant sign of those times and yet the fans were favorable. The NFL strike gave some young men the opportunity to play on a professional level..... what a dream come true. For other NFL families, it only allowed more frustration because of the lack of communication between the NFLPA and the owners. However, after 3 games and many hours of negotiations; the league came back as a whole and it is more powerful than ever because the players stuck together. With Richard Petty racing ending its stellar 60 year career, one only hope that the economy will jilt back into place and continue the race. Although it may give younger drivers a chance to more quickly because their dollar demand is lower than the proven drivers. Which brings up another story at another time..... "why does a guy out of college in sports make more money than players that have
gone to the Pro Bowl, the All Star games etc..." stay tuned for my take on it!

I would hope that we could stick together through this hard economic times; whether we are stay at home moms, engineers, professional athletes or owners of fortune 500 companies, we should continue to suppport the businesses as much as our budget allows. Dealing with the unknown is very stressful. The owners of many small companies are closing shop. The larger companies are cutting back on advertisement and the liquidity that we once felt as a family is gone. We now buy only necessities. I am sorry but the $300 rebate didn't do much for me.
I'm still trying to get the hang of this 'blog thing.' As a NASCAR fan (go Bobby Labonte!)I know that we are scared of what this economic downturn will do to the port we so love. You know it's bad when folks start giving up their season tickets for the Bristol race because they can no longer afford it. My husband and I were thinking of looking for some real estate at Pigeon Forge, TN until they began laying off where he works. Praise God, he is still working, but my heart aches for the ones who have not been so lucky.
I think Pigeon Forge will always do well. Alot of real estate is slow but some places will always be a staple. Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge are two of those places. However, it is always good to be sure you are solid before you buy a vacation home.
Hey Sara,
Thanks for the tip. Since I last spoke with you the economy has worsened soooooo, we'll be happy in our home and just take the weekend trips to Gatlinburg. You know, we don't need as much as we think. I'm very content in our home we built 10 years ago. We are taking advantage of the lower interest rates and will be financing down to a 15 year mortgage. I'm still trying to figure out how to put my picture on here!!!!
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