Sunday, December 7, 2008

Spend the Money

We continue to hear that we are in the worst of the worst recession in over 30 years. So why is it I still see folks shopping everyday at retail stores. I go to a chain store and can't find a parking space. So I have to park 20 cars away with crutches and everything. I notice the items in the carts and it doesn't look like all of it is "need." We are still spending money.

Being in Charlotte, I have been blessed as a realtor because we have not seen the slump in the market like California, Florida, Ohio etc. We are actually in a good place according to the wall street journal. Charlotte along with some other cities that I won't advertise are among the strong elite. So if you are looking for a city that is fast growing and apparently the people here are still showing the money.....then welcome to Charlotte.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There has been so much that has changed and it is great to get good information. We have to stay positive